Cancer Research Institute Event Calendar



The Atlantic’s 2021 People v. Cancer

Jill O'Donnell-Tormey, CEO and Director of Scientific Affairs, is a panelist on "The Frontlines of Research," which discusses the most promising cancer research innovations in development and on the horizon, from 11:30-11:50am EST.

In the 2021 People v. Cancer summit, The Atlantic will explore the latest science and the important ways in which prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and well-being are interrelated. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, progress continues to be made toward not only treating cancer and extending lives, but creating a more robust, holistic ecosystem of care.

This event brings together medical providers, scientists, survivors, and patients for in-depth conversations about a disease that remains one of the world’s most complex, and most lethal. At People v. Cancer, The Atlantic explores the most crucial questions of the day: What is the future of cancer care? What can be done to improve lives for all—along the entire spectrum of care?


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