Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog




How to Help CRI Raise Money for Crucial Cancer Immunotherapy Research This Giving Tuesday 

“GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people around the world to use their individual power of generosity to remain connected and support their communities. It is not just one day – this is a global social movement that is working every day to fuel more generosity in service to building a more just and equitable world.”  (From 

The following content was written by CRI’s Associate Director of Individual Giving Christine Bove.

This year’s GivingTuesday will take place on November 28, 2023, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The movement has grown globally since its inception in 2012, earning approximately $10 million that year. In 2022, 37 million people in six continents worldwide helped raise $3.1 billion. Giving Tuesday also has an initiative called GivingLab that gathers data and insights from academic sources, data platform providers, and others. Additionally, there is an affiliate fellowship program that encourages innovation through experimentation and idea-sharing. You can learn more by visiting:  

In 2012, I participated in the first GivingTuesday, as I knew this day would help my former non-profit’s charitable efforts while supporting its cause. In my former organization’s industry, Black Friday and Cyber Monday were traditionally some of the most impactful revenue-generating days. With just the basics, I put together a couple of emails, a few Facebook posts, and hoped for the best. Generous donations started to arrive almost immediately, and I then realized GivingTuesday’s true altruistic potential. 

I attended the GivingTuesday Symposium at the 92nd Street Y, New York in 2016, where I was able to meet the founders of the movement and enjoy time with fellow fundraisers at the place the movement was born.  

You can join the Cancer Research Institute for this year’s Day of Giving on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Here are a few ways that you can participate:  

  1. Add the date, November 28, 2023, to your calendar as a committed day of giving.  
  2. Tell your friends and family why you believe in our work and encourage them to support us too. 
  3. Use the hashtag #GivingTuesday, #TeamCRI, or #CancerResearch to share why you give to CRI.
  4. Start a Fundraiser in honor or memory of a loved one.
  5. Donate and our Board of Trustees will generously match your tax-deductible donation dollar for dollar through December 31.

Whether you are donating to CRI on GivingTuesday for the first time, fifth time, or 50th time, know that you are participating in a global giving movement. Your gift is helping CRI invest in the best minds whose contributions to science range from fundamental to transformative. Thanks to CRI’s vision and your support, new immunotherapy treatment options offer hope for cancer patients to live healthier, longer lives.  

Have any questions or comments? Please reach out to me at [email protected]. Our Giving Team can help make this your best GivingTuesday ever. Together, we are moving closer to creating a world immune to cancer.  

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