Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog




CRI Meets with the Vice President’s Staff on Moonshot

White House visit

At special invitation from the Office of the Vice President, the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) met with Vice President Joe Biden’s staff in Washington, D.C., to discuss opportunities to collaborate on the National Cancer Moonshot, one of the most important cancer initiatives in our nation’s history. The February 22 meeting was convened by Vice President Biden’s team as part of their listening tour with research and advocacy leaders; CRI was invited to share our expertise in immunotherapy research and our opinion on how to best advance the field.

The National Cancer Moonshot Initiative is working to accelerate lifesaving cancer research, including an in-depth investigation into the promising field of cancer immunotherapy, by breaking down barriers to progress with enhanced access to data and by facilitating collaboration between patient advocacy groups, health care professionals, and other major stakeholders.

CRI and its global network of scientists and clinicians are pleased that the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative has singled out research in immunotherapy and combination treatments as one of the key strategies for achieving the Moonshot goals. Since 1953, our organization has focused on realizing the potential of immunotherapy to cure all cancers. We are delighted to share our 63 years of experience in cancer immunotherapy with the Vice President’s team in the hope that together we can change the face of cancer treatment.

It is thrilling to see the connections between CRI’s mission—to advance cancer immunotherapy and increase public awareness and education on immunotherapy—and the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative. We firmly support the imperative to fund more immunotherapy research and look forward to further collaboration with the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative.

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