Cancer Research Institute Event Calendar



The Cancer Immunotherapy Toolbox: How Does the Immune System Work

In this webinar for patients and caregivers, Dr. Miriam Merad describes the fundamentals of cancer immunology, advances in immunotherapy of different types of cancer, and ongoing work to make immunotherapy an effective treatment option for more patients. Dr. Merad is the director of the Mark and Jennifer Lipschultz Precision Immunology Institute and the Human Immune Monitoring Center at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. She is an internationally acclaimed expert in the biology of myeloid cells, like dendritic cells and macrophages. She is also a member of the CRI Scientific Advisory Council, and has been a sponsor and mentor of two CRI postdoctoral fellows.

Funding for the CRI “Cancer Immunotherapy and You” webinar series is generously provided by Bristol Myers Squibb as well as Alkermes and Lilly Oncology.

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