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CIM21 Instagram Takeover with Cancer Patient Advocate Kristin

On Friday, June 18, CRI ImmunoAdvocate Kristin Kleinhofer, will take over the Cancer Research Institute Instagram account (@cancerresearchinstitute) and share her experience with cancer immunotherapy.

Kristin was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in August 2010. When standard treatments failed to keep Kristin's cancer at bay, she enrolled in a phase 1 clinical trial of CAR T cell therapy at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She was one of the first patients to receive this therapy in an outpatient setting and was amongst 93% of patients in trial that reached remission.

Today, Kristin is cancer-free and passionate about spreading awareness of cancer immunotherapy. Follow Kristin on Instagram at @kickitkk every day and follow her on the Cancer Research Institute account at @cancerresearchinstitute on June 18, 2021. 

Find all our Cancer Immunotherapy Month activities at and across social media with the hashtag #CIM21

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