Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog



Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivor Kristin Kleinhofer Takes Over CRI’s Instagram

On June 18, 2021, CRI ImmunoAdvocate Kristin Kleinhofer spent the day on the Cancer Research Institute’s Instagram to share with followers the life of a three-time acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivor.

In her introduction, she shared her story of receiving lifesaving CAR T cell immunotherapy in a clinical trial in 2014. The treatment worked, and now seven years later, she hopes to inspire others on their cancer journey. (Originally diagnosed in 2010, she underwent two years of chemotherapy, but unfortunately relapsed one year and a half later.)

Kristin integrates mindfulness activities, exercise, and healthy eating throughout her day to support her survivorship. As part of her daily survivorship plan, she educates herself on the latest cancer research and resources. She regularly attends webinars, conferences, and classes, in addition to reading oncology news and analysis.

This knowledge also helps her in her own advocacy efforts and in mentoring fellow cancer patients and caregivers. For example, Kristin is a member of the Cancer Support Community’s CAR T Advisory Board. In Instagram Stories, she tells how she reviewed a draft CAR T guide as a part of her advocacy work that day.

Throughout her takeover, Kristin shared moments from her cancer journey, highlighting the times where her friends and family showed up for her. She also gave several shout-outs to the medical team at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that helped her through treatments as well as amplifying CRI Immunotherapy Patient Summit in guiding her through her cancer survivorship.

Kristin is passionate about paying it forward through patient advocacy, navigation, and mentoring. She vows to share the message of hope.

Tomorrow, Kristin will be a guest moderator on our live webinar on June 23 at 1:00 PM ET “How Immunotherapy is Reshaping Cancer Patient Survivorship Experiences.” Sign up to join the live discussion. 

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