Members Harvey Cantor, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School Boston, MA Dr. Harvey Cantor is the chair of Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and the Baruj Benacerraf Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Cantor’s work has greatly advanced our understanding of different immune cells, by developing an approach that uses antibodies to identify different subsets and determine their functions. For his accomplishments, Dr. Cantor has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. His current work continues to characterize how T cells and natural killer (NK) cells develop and the mechanisms that they use to defend us against pathogens as well as protect us from potential autoimmune damage. Dr. Cantor has been a member of CRI’s Scientific Advisory Council since 1975.